How to write a best essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Continuous teacher professional development through collaboration
The School as a Learning EnvironmentIntroductionA positive procurement condition can be portrayed as a domain in which a network of researchers staying of children and adults cooperate to gracefully, advance and draw out their ain and each other ‘s securing ( Barth, 2001:31 ) . In this article the essayist, pulling from proficient involvement with an Irish elementary school setting and referencing to applicable writing, will draw the cardinal highlights of schools that are sure learning situations. It will be laid out how reverted driving influencing all school personnel ; providing understudies with a voice sing school approaches and their ain securing ; a physical domain which empowers and energizes larning ; progressing continuous educator proficient advancement through coaction ; and steps to influence all guardians in the organization of the school and in uplifting their children ‘s, and through the technique their ain, larning are cardinal highlights of schools that are sure learning situations. It will other than be featured how factors, for example, restriction to adjust among school powers, broken staff connections and ongoing Irish Government arrangements are regular checks to increasing such environments.Teacher LeadershipWith a constantly expanding outstanding task at hand and obligation â€Å" the requests and difficulties of prima schools are just exorbitantly extraordinary for any one individual ( the head ) †( Stoll, 2009:122 ) . As Barth ( 2001 ) notes chiefs need help in â€Å" convey throughing this outlandish occupation portrayal †( p. 84 ) . One potential answer for this situation is lapsed driving whereby instructing staff are given driving capacities and obligations in the running of the school. Much has been written in instructive writing suggesting this commitment of educators in driving capacities ( Callan, 2006: 214 ; Harris, 2008:31 ; Sergiovanni, 1992 ; Stoll and Fink, 1996:52 ; The Teaching Council, 2010 ; Tuohy, 1999:166 ) . Cases in which teachers can take incorporate take separating in the innovative movement of a school vision and related arrangements, deciding course of study for the school, arranging and prima staff improvement exercises, indicting in judgments about how financess ought to be assigned and connecting new educators ( Barth, 2001:88 ) . The essayist ‘s school has begun this method of teacher pioneers with more noteworthy obligation being provided to the in school guidance crew, which comprises of educators who hold Posts of Responsibility, sing conclusions about school strategies, yet this is only a first measure each piece with the end goal for schools to achieve maximal great outcomes â€Å" all educators must take †( Barth, 2001:85 ) . This instructor driving can take to a positive procurement condition in army ways. It can help to delay and advance teacher committedness and intention to the school as they are engaged with doing judgments which influence them ( Fullan, 2003:38 ) , which can other than elevate educators to change their schoolroom design which is critical to class improvement ( Fullan and Hargreaves, 1991:23 ) . This driving capacity can fix educators for the capacity of boss rather than out of nowhere puting them ill-equipped into this spot in this manner in their calling ( Fullan and Hargreaves, 1991:20 ) and empower these instructor heads to larn as they can larn through the encounters of driving ( Barth, 2001:82 ) . It has been contended that if teachers are given driving capacities they in curve will gracefully driving capacities for understudies transforming the school into an increasingly vote based condition with less subject occupations and higher understudy achievement ( Barth, 2001:80 ) an d that better conclusions are made as an outcome of dispersing assurance doing sing school issues, for example, subject processs and expert improvement ( ibid:82 ) . This driving capacity other than adds grouping to the teacher ‘s work and can empower them to follow up on the lives of adults each piece great as understudies ( ibid:83 ) . Sharing driving can other than empower the chief to go a researcher in this obtaining condition as he can larn through coaction with these educator heads ( Fullan and Hargreaves, 1991:122 ) . As Barth ( 2001 ) notes â€Å" A school progress neighborly to across the board driving will be a school human advancement accommodating to broad securing †( p. 81 ) .Pupil VoiceEqually great as providing teachers with more prominent obligation through driving capacities another cardinal element of a positive securing condition is one in which understudies are given more prominent obligation by allotting them a voice sing school strategy and their ain obtaining. The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child ( 1989 ) states â€Å" States Parties will ensure to the child who is fit for sorting out his or ain positions the option to show those positions uninhibitedly in all issues affecting the child aë†â ¦ . †( Article 12 ) . Irish Policy perceived this privilege with the distribution of the National Children ‘s Strategy ( 2000 ) which plans to make â€Å" An Ireland where children are regarded as youthful residents with an esteemed part to do and a voice of their ain aë†â ¦ . †( Department of Health and Children, 2000:10 ) . A conspicuous setting for children to apply this voice is sing their school encounters as an outcome of the huge piece of their lives they spend in school ( Devine, 2004:112 ) . Open doors for understudies to be given this voice in school remember influencing them for building and take separating in their ain procurement by providing input to teachers on exercises sing how understudies scholarly and ways the educator could do the exercise progressively eager or satisfying ( Claxton, 2008:157 ) and by puting up student chambers to talk school strategies and processs ( McLoughlin, 2004 ) . This voice can even travel each piece far as learning educators as Barth ( 2001:3 ) depicts a school wherein understudies give guidance to teachers sing data imparting designing achievements. This essayist ‘s school has started the strategy of providing this voice to understudies through the constitution of the Green Schools Committee where student delegates from each classification meet on a hebdomadal balance to talk school ecological processs. Providing understudies with this voice can make a positive procurement condition in a figure of ways. The positives of giving understudies opportunities to loan to class arrangements, for example, the codification of conduct are laid out by the National Education Welfare Board ( NEWB ) seeing that: Understudies are bound to back up a codification of conduct when they have assisted with creating it. Connections of trust among teachers and students can turn through the methodology ( NEWB, 2008:16 ) . Childs can other than larn achievements of hearing, negociating and get offing contrasts through dynamic fight in a cultural setting ( NEWB, 2008:16 ) . Providing understudies with this voice can activate them to come to class by demoing them that both they and their assessments sing judgments that influence them issue ( Stoll and Fink, 1996:139 ) . It shows kids that the school will deal with them appropriately as Devine ( 2004:122 ) notes kids feel that schools treat them cowardly when schools bar their positions. Youngsters ‘s capacity to larn about issues, for example, majority rules system, justness and comprehensiveness can be made increasingly solid as children experience these rights chief manus through example and commitment ( Devine, 2004:124 ) . In his overview of an understudy chamber set up in an elementary school McLoughlin ( 2004:132 ) noted positive securing results for the understudies included including felicity and pride as an outcome of being included, a fee ling of having a place, expanded affirmation and a turning feeling of organization with school powers. Claxton ( 2008 ) takes note of that puting up understudy boards to talk issues of existent significance empowers members to â€Å" cognize that what they realize by attempted these issues will work them great in ulterior life †( p. 149 ) .Resistance to ChangeIn request to incorporate these nearly new builds of teacher driving and student voice as delineated above schools need to show signs of improvement of the normal impediment of restriction to modify. As Eisner ( 1992 ) notes â€Å" It is a lot simpler to change instructive strategy than to adjust the manners by which schools map †( p. 610 ) . This resistance can emerge out of teachers and chiefs. This restriction to adjust is an impediment to increasing a positive obtaining condition as Stoll and Fink ( 1996 ) note: A school is either bettering or it is securing more regrettable. It can non stop since its setting is constantly modifying ( p.42 ) . Numerous educators may challenge adjustment as they dread new developments that they feel may uncover their ain saw deficiencies ( Stoll and Fink, 1996:50 ) , experience a feeling of misfortune go forthing a lot of natural arrangement of practices behind and dread the great beyond and the obscure ( Tuohy, 1999:27 ) . Experienced teachers may oppose modification as an outcome of recognizable modus operandis they have developed which require least endeavor on their segment ( Eisner, 1998:159 ) . The essayist encountered this restriction to adjust on a few events. One such point was the point at which the author showed a presenting saying on understudies â€Å" You reserve the option to give your opinion, and for adults to tune in and take it truly †, adjusted from Article 12 of The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child ( 1989 ) , in his schoolroom. A few of the essayist ‘s associates communicated their objection to this message being shown to kids because of its ‘inappropriateness ‘ on the confirmations that understudies should make definitely and without request as they are told to by educators as has at any point been th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Twinning In Cattle :: essays research papers fc
Twinning in Cattle      Due to the ceaseless vacillation of the dairy cattle showcase cows makers have been looking for approaches to improve their creation and increment their benefits any way that is available. For a considerable length of time hereditary specialists have been buckling down on improving monetary productivity in steers. It is their expectation that through hereditary examine they can improve the yield and the salary of steers makers around the world. Research has indicated that twinning is one way that ranchers can increment their yield . Twinning impacts makers just as individuals who are engaged with all domains of farming. The explanation behind this enormous sway right now is the way that the events are constrained. Be that as it may, numerous makers have a dream that twinning can be more than a very rarely event. These makers consider twinning to be an approach to significantly expand their yield per calving season. Makers will build their salary because of something else weight every year per dairy animals. It is essential ;be that as it may, that the maker be well instructed on the best way to deal with twinning, with the end goal for it to be fruitful for them.      Many organizations consider twinning to be a monetary move upward. The American Raiser Service has put forth attempts to deliver semen just as incipient organisms with high anticipated rearing qualities accessible to makers. They have been recorded based on twinning probabilities and ovulation rates. A lot of work on twinning has additionally been finished by the Meat and Animal Research Center. Since the mid eighties, they have found steers with a high recurrence of twinning and been framing a reproducing establishment dependent on this trademark. â€Å"We accept the opportunity has arrived to make a portion of these one of a kind hereditary assets accessible to the meat industry through manual semen injection and undeveloped organism transfer†(Gregory 23). A broad measure of research has been finished utilizing incipient organism move in cows. In one investigation beneficiaries were embedded with either a solitary incipient organism, two undeveloped organism in one uterine horn, or one incipient organism in each uterine horn. It is additionally conceivable to split undeveloped organisms utilizing a miniaturized scale controller and embed every half to deliver indistinguishable twins. On the normal about 16% of the dairy animals embedded with two undeveloped organisms delivered twins. At the point when two undeveloped organisms were embedded, and one was set in each horn, origination rates were practically identical with the earlier strategy, anyway the twinning rate was a lot higher when the undeveloped organisms were in isolated horns (73% versus 45%). For the most part, when one undeveloped organism was part trying to create indistinguishable twins, just one of the posterity endure birth (Davis 302).           Many makers consider twinning to be a potential headway in
Friday, August 21, 2020
Report Card Essay
The revelation of the PC was the extraordinary capacity of innovation for various to make work simpler, increasingly competent, and progressively versatile for the humankind. It has brought another degree of information that turned into the new standard in the business. It made the school progressively proficient for understudies and gave way to convey to whole earth. These days, PC base framework is normally utilized by each organization and establishment and one of this is automated report card framework. The evaluation of an understudy is a scale which decides understudies who need greater improvement and need more support which will help instructors in controlling them towards their turn of events. It additionally shows where understudies exceed expectations most so they can be sharpened and urged to proceed with their great work, improve more, and point higher. Toward the end, it will be the reference for the judgment of whether an understudy can step up to a more significant level of learning or stay to be cleaned. From these reasons, it is plainly closed that it is so imperative to ensure that the evaluations of the understudies are precisely determined and securely put away in a very much established database. It is comprehended that in the conventional reviewing framework, where just number crunchers and papers are available, it is exceptionally troublesome and tedious to register grades. Blunders are bound to happen and papers are not entirely dependable type of database. It is distressing to figure evaluations and check them over and over starting with one record then onto the next. With the utilization of the Report Card Inventory System, the instructors will just need to enter the crude evaluations of the understudies and the framework will be the one to do the putting away of records. This Report Card Inventory System can give the great assistance of exact and tied down assemblage of evaluations to those persevering instructors.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Difficult Subject of Poverty - 590 Words
Poverty is a difficult subject to talk about for anybody. While, some people choose to ignore it and think that it only occurs in other parts of the world. Some people have to deal with it on a daily basis here in America. John Galbraith, Karl Marx, Robert Reich have all written their ideas down about poverty; although what they wrote was very different they also share many similarities. Most of the human population is in poverty and live on less than $10 a day. This is an ever growing problem with no reasonable solution that will lead to a short term answer or any way to ever solve an issue this immense. â€Å"Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor Poorer†was written by Robert Reich. Throughout this article he discusses the increasing differences between the highest social class and the lowest social class. Reich uses the title, a common figure of speech, to further explain the worsening differences of the economy. Reich even goes as far as to compare the human p opulation to a boat; he states that humans are split into two boats most are in a sinking boat and the rest are on another, one that is constantly is rising. The author states that the lower class is trapped in a loop of poverty due to a loss of jobs. The main reason for the loss of jobs is mankind is relying more heavily on robots and computers. Another factor is that companies can build factories in other countries without labor unions and pay their workers very little and make immense amounts ofShow MoreRelatedEducation and Poverty Essay978 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Exploring Poverty and Education Education and poverty is a difficult subject to explore. Many views are held when it comes to the value of education for the underprivileged and whether or not it is the key to removing an individual from an impoverished condition. â€Å"The Social Animal†, a book by David Brooks, explores this subject of poverty and education through the life of one of his characters named Erica. Erica comes from an ethnic background, from a broken home, born from parents who didRead MoreThe Factors Associated With Youth Homelessness And Arrest, By Kim Fielding And Cheryl Forchuk Essay1553 Words  | 7 Pages Poverty has long been a consistent characteristic in crime. Numerous theories like Social Disorganization, Labeling Theory, and Strain Theory have been created to try to explain the connection between poverty and crime. As these theories demonstrate , the devastating external factors that poverty causes contribute to crime. Yet, the connection between poverty and crime continues to deliver new data, adding to the way criminologist analyze crime. 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Houston Elementary Houston Elementary is a predominatelyRead MoreChild Maltreatment And Its Effects On Children Essay1464 Words  | 6 Pagesare many causes to a child being neglected, sexually or physically abused; studies have shown that poverty is in many cases linked to child maltreatment. There are currently 488 counties in America where twenty percent of the population has lived below the poverty line for the past thirty years or more (Clyburn, 2014). Studies have shown that poverty is linked to child abuse and neglect. With poverty comes the stresses of housing and instability, childcare burden, substance availability and susceptibilityRead MoreBlack And The State Of North Carolina Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesThe data that I chose to examine is black population in the year 2010 and income in the past 12 months below poverty level. I obtained these tabular data from the North Carolina Linc website ( The data for the black population in the state of North Carolina i s the official record of Census Bureau. The Census Bureau gathered this data through people who associated themselves as being â€Å"black or African American†(NC LINC- Data definition). The second variable that I choseRead MoreNickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich1721 Words  | 7 Pagesplace herself in the position of her subjects, Ehrenreich strived to see if she were able to survive on the minimal income provided by a series of low level and low paying jobs. In was her foreknowledge of laws and the inclusion of these laws in Nickel and Dimed that brought about exposing historical and present-day 21st century contradictory practices, laws, and regulations that exploit the poor working class (if not through her experiment but by the subjects’ honest experience). In addition to exposing
Friday, May 15, 2020
My Generation Essay - 560 Words
My Generation nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Every group receives a name, whether it is a club or organization, plants, animals or people. No matter what it is, it will receive a label so that it can be referred to easily. For instance, those born between the years 1977 and 1997 were given the title of the â€Å"Digital Generation.†This label was attained because of the widespread technology that is available to them from birth. The â€Å"Digital Generation†is not only about the Internet and technology, but is also about high values, a strong belief in self-expression and spirituality. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The values of past generations have been very self-centered. Yet â€Å"Generation D†, as it is called, believes in equal rights for all†¦show more content†¦All in all, â€Å"Generation D†is very open minded compared to what their elders in society believe. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Moreover, â€Å"Generation D†utilizes the freedom of expression more than any generation before it. Many popular forms of self-expression include tattooing and body piercing. Although these forms of expression are considered to be trendy, they actually have their roots in originality. For exaple, the native people of the Hawaiian Islands use tattoos to record their ancestral line. Therefore, each tattoo is unique to the individual. Then of course there is the piercing of different body parts, which, in parts of Africa, the larger the lobe of the ear is stretched the higher rank the person holds in society. Piercing in the United States holds little or no significant purpose; except for a select few which provide pleasure. Through various body modifications people consider themselves to be distinguished from the rest. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Generation D†has the knowledge of many different spiritual rites that American youth has the opportunity to believe in whatever he/she chooses to, instead of being forced into a particular belief. Generations before were born into a religion, they lived that religion by the book, and eventually died that religion. The youth of America today has the freedom to choose from a belief that isShow MoreRelatedEssay about My Generation1036 Words  | 5 Pagesthe ongoing debate as to whether or not this generation, Generation Y, has a role in America’s future. Considering our teenagers and children are the adults of tomorrow, I would argue that, in fact, they do have an impact. Every new generation has a role in the future of our country, as they fill the gaps of other people that can’t work anymore or have passed away. It just becomes a matter of how we use this power to impact society. Although the generation is very capable of produci ng great leadersRead MoreReview Of Songs Of My Generation 1382 Words  | 6 PagesHey guys, Sophie Jeffrey here for Channel [V]. Welcome back to another segment of ‘Songs of My Generation’. This week we’ll take a look back at the totally tubular 80s. The 80s was full of many things: Rubik’s Cubes, Wrestling, Pac Man, Lip Smackers, Nintendo, skateboarding, roller skating, Horror films, the BratPack, connect four, Tupperware parties, pop rocks, Weird Al Yankovic, who’s currently making a comeback FYI†¦ and the list goes on! Horror films made their way onto the scene in the 80s withRead MoreGenerational Changes : My Parent s Generation909 Words  | 4 Pagesstoryteller. For me this occurs a lot since I came from a first generation of immigrants. My parent’s generation mostly discussed many topics: traditions, childhood, society, technology and so on. But although we have an obvious time gap, my generation strives for what the old gen eration wanted. There are many parallels to what each generation has and desires. Going back to my own parents, born in El Salvador, they were part of a generation where they grew up around and some even fought in a civil warRead MoreEssay on Generations: Boomers and Echos and Nexters – Oh My!3868 Words  | 16 Pagesï » ¿Generations: Boomers and Echos and Nexters – Oh My! Contents Overview 3 Critical Analysis 4 Suggested Implementation 5 Potential Problem with Implementation 7 Current Article:â€Å"10+ ways to minimize generational differences in the workplace†7 Value of the Hankin Article 9 Important Takeaways 9 References 11 Overview The article â€Å"Generations: Boomers and Echos and Nexters – Oh My!†written by Harriet Hankin deals with generational diversity in theRead MoreChanges From My Grandmothers Generation to My Own894 Words  | 4 Pagesdifference between life thousands of years ago and present days’ life. Every human generation beholds new changes in the pass through life, some of these changes continue to the next generation but the rest just remain in the memory of those who lived them. Sometimes we heard from the elders of the family how life used to be in their teenage and their parents teenage too. There have been a couple of times that when I go to my grandmother’s house I talk to her about her life when she was young and livedRead MoreGeneration Z And My Generation883 Words  | 4 PagesPersonally, I think that my generation, also known as Generation Z, is different from the past generations. Just growing up I have seen drastic changes to technology and social media. Do these changes make my generation standout from the others? Is my generation special? Are we special in a good or bad way? We all know how the older generations would answer that question, then they would ramble on and on about how whenever they needed some information they have to research it the â€Å"old fashion way†Read MoreThe Language of My Generation767 Words  | 4 Pagescommon to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. Based on this definition wouldn’t it make sense for different generations to have differences in their language because they are apart of different cultural differences amongst one another? My generation consistently gets a bad wrap for being too vulgar, too curt, too disrespectful, and too controversial, but that’s not the way we see it. The same words that make our parents cringeRead MoreEssay on My Generation 1640 Words  | 7 Pagesoccurrences in t heir generation where only they could have an emotional connection. Ancestors, grandparents, and our parents have experienced situations in their lives, which we could only take a glimpse of. We see the photos, we hear the stories but we dont feel the emotions, which they experience during that time. In my generation there have been events in my life that I classify devastating and memorable. In the following paragraphs I will present the aspects of my generation of how incidences mayRead MoreMy Father Is A Second Generation1600 Words  | 7 PagesItalians felt as they crossed the ocean to become Americans. My father is a second-generation Sicilian who grew up in East Lynn, and my mother is a second-generation Northern Italian, who grew up in West Lynn. One of the stories I often hear is how the Italians and the Sicilians never really got along, and frequently butt heads. Naturally it was very Romeo and Juliet like that they would end up together. When they become husband and wife my mother had gone to the jewelers and had this pepper like charmRead MoreFrank Conroy’s My Generation873 Words  | 4 PagesMy childhood was mostly spent in Ohio around snow. But it all changed when I moved to California. Frank Conroy’s essay â€Å"My Generation†, Conroy explains on how and why his generation got the name â€Å"Silent Generation†. In this essay I will be explaining on how my life leads up to college and why the students of 2014 will be remembered by the social media users. What defines an excellent childhood? Childhood is the precious time in which children should live free from fear, go to school, and have
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Colgate-Palmolive - 778 Words
Companies use promotional strategies to gain customers and sales. Colgate-Palmolive use different strategies to help increase their sales. While many companies have decreased advertising spending Colgate-Palmolive is one company that has increased advertising spending (Neff York, 2008). This paper will discuss the current promotional strategies of Colgate-Palmolive. This paper will also discuss the integrated marketing communications (IMC) and make recommendations for the strategies used. Current Promotional Strategies According to Kotler and Keller (2009) â€Å"sales promotion is a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase†¦show more content†¦The company partners with dentists and other institutions to hand out free samples. The company partnered with several African-American beauty salons to distribute free samples and care packages (Chain Drug Review, 2010). Another way the company is trying to reach consumers is by educating them on the importance of good oral hygiene. Colgate has partnered with the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease to promote the importance of good oral hygiene and how it relates to health (Chain Drug Review, 2010). Colgate has partnered with other organizations to help educate the link of oral hygiene and a person’s health. The company has partnered with several organizations and made donations of dental products (Colgate, 2011). The company has donated to several organizations all over the world. By donating money or products the company shows the community that they care. The company also gains brand awareness and potentially more sales. The company relies on dentist professionals and other organizations to hand out samples. The company is also very involved in educating people on the importance of good oral hygiene. The company will send representatives to different events to hand out samples and educate people on how to perform proper oral care. The company has decided to increase the money spent on digital advertising (Farber, 2008). With more consumers doing more shopping on the internet the companyShow MoreRelatedColgate Palmolive7692 Words  | 31 PagesCOLGATE PALMOLIVE PRECISION TOOTH BRUSH Synopsis :- The analysis of the two different launch strategies 1. Introduction and Company Background. Colgate Palmolive was the global leader in household and personal products, with sales of $6.06 billion and gross profit of $2.76 billion, as in 1991. The company was also the No. 1 in US retail tooth brush market with 23.3% of volume share. The company had 43% of the world’s tooth paste market and 16% of the world tooth brush market. In 1991 there wasRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Colgate s Colgate Palmolive Company 896 Words  | 4 Pagescertain way. A Colgate toothbrush commercial used Logos, Pathos and Ethos to spread the word that they have the best toothbrush of all, in which they target everyone who has teeth. Through the use of advertisements, Colgate has convinced the world that they have the best toothbrushes, they’re even recommended by dentists. Colgate as a company strives to be the best company to have the best dental products. In an article from the website live strong Norma Chew wrote, â€Å"Colgate Palmolive Company is oneRead MoreColgate Palmolive Ethics Report3374 Words  | 14 Pagesperceptions, decision making processes and ethics related attitudes. Ethical culture’s importance is the impact that it has over the employee’s satisfaction, their perceptions of leadership and the rates of misconduct within the organization. COLGATE-PALMOLIVE ETHICS REPORT Ethical Culture must be supported by a resource to help orientate the company’s employees about its defined values and principles, and that is what we know as the company’s Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics. This helpful documentRead MoreColgate Palmolive-the Precision Toothbrush1716 Words  | 7 Pages1. What is changing in the toothbrush category? Assess Colgate Palmolives competitive position. Toothbrush manufacturers have poured millions of dollars and hours, to marry form and function in oral health care products that enable their users to brush frequently, comfortably, and above all, properly. Along the way, they have built the U.S. oral care market into a $2.9 billion industry, changed the brushing habits of millions and turned the lowly toothbrush into a trendy lifestyle accessory. AsRead MoreColgate And Palmolive Brand852 Words  | 4 Pagestopic, I have chosen to discuss the Colgate and Palmolive brand. The Colgate-Palmolive brand has been around for numerous years. Recently, in the last year or so, Colgate toothpaste has stepped up their game to compete with other toothpaste brands such as Crest. As for myself, I choose the Colgate-Palmolive brand. Colgate has come out with a new line of toothpaste and mouthwashes to help with your teeth’s whitening and enamel health. In fact, Colgate, now, has a toothpaste that will whitenRead MoreColgate Palmolive Co. Business Strategies1446 Words  | 6 Pages Colgate-Palmolive Co. is a company which focuses on products that promote hygiene and cleanliness. They have dominated the marketplace while efficiently providing oral care, pet care, cleaning products and more. They are predominantly known for their oral hygiene products and have remained the leading brand of it’s industry. This report delves into their current stance and how they will need to focus on targeting new markets and the transformation of their business strategies. While taking all sixRead MoreColgate Palmolive: Marketing Strategies and Programs5256 Words  | 22 PagesCOLGATE PALMOLIVE Marketing Strategies and Programs Introduction Colgate Palmolive Company is a $17.1 billion global company serving people in more than 200 countries and territories with consumer products that make lives healthier and more enjoyable. This American diversified multinational corporation focuses on strong global brands in its core businesses – Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition. Colgate follows a tightly defined strategy to grow market shares for key productsRead MoreColgate Palmolive Company : The Precision Toothbrush Case Analysis2312 Words  | 10 PagesColgate-Palmolive Company: The Precision Toothbrush Case Analysis Colgate-Palmolive Company (CP) launched a new toothbrush, Colgate Precision, to the market. But having developed for three years, CP was fiercely competing with other companies in the market. In order to have the power to fight in the highly competitive market with substantial product activity, Colgate-Palmolive Co. was in a problem of considering the how to position its new product--Precision, and to define the market strategy inRead MoreColgate Palmolive772 Words  | 4 PagesColgate Palmolive With a continuous expansion in its product line, Colgate-Palmolive is taking on the look of one of the most stable stocks on the exchange. Colgate has a wide variety of products sold around the globe including, Colgate Toothpastes, Speed Stick Deodorants, Ajax Surface Cleaner, and Hills Science Diet foods for house pets. Colgate was founded in 1806 in New York City on Dutch Street by William Colgate as a starch, soap and candle business. Colgate produced soaps andRead MoreColgate Palmolive3956 Words  | 16 PagesCase 3.3 Colgate-Palmolive: Cleopatra in Quebec? Johansson – Pages 325 to 334 The Canadian launch extravaganza in February 1986 began with cocktails served by hostesses dressed like Cleopatra, the queen of ancient Egypt. Then followed a gala dinner with a dramatic, multimedia presentation of the new brand, ending with the award-winning commercial and these words: Today the memory comes alive, a new shape rises up, a new texture, a new standard of beauty care worthy of the name it
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
College In Sweden Essay Example For Students
College In Sweden Essay SwedenSweden, one of the three fingers of Scandinavia,is just larger than the state of California. It covers 173,731 squaremiles (449,964 square kilometers). From the northern tip to the southerntip it is about 1,000 miles. Thousands of tiny islands line the coast. Mountains form much of the northwest, but most of Sweden is relativelyflat with some rollling hills. Many rivers flow from the mountainsthrough the forests and into the Balitc Sea. Sweden is dotted withlakes, which, with the rivers, provide ample water for the country. More than half of the land is forested. North of the Arctic Circle,winters ar long and relatively cold while summers are short and pleasant. But summers midnight sun makes the days long. Although Swedenis located far to the north, most of the country has a relatively temperateclimate, moderated by the warm Gulf Stream. July temperatures inStockholm average sixty four degrees ferenheit. Sweden has been inhabeted for nearly fivethousand years and is the home of the Gothic peoples who battled the RomanEmpire. In the ninth century, Rurik, a semilegendary chief of theSwedes, is said to have founded Russia. Christianity was introducedin the 11th century adn adopted by the monarchy. During the 20thcentury, neutrality and nonalignment were cornerstones of Swedens foreignpolicy, keeping it out of both world wars and allowing it to transformits rather poor society into a prosperous social welfare state. TheSocila Democratic Party dominated politics and led every governmentuntil 1976, when its rule was interrupted until 1982. With the endof the Cold War, and increased European Union in 1995. Swedens image as a peaceful, egalitariansociety, with relatively low crime, was shaken in 1986 when Prime MinisterOlof Palme was assassinated on the streets of Stockholm. Palme wassucceeded by Ingvar Carlsson of the Social Democratic Party. Afterrejection of his austerity package in 1990, Carlsson resigned and led aminority government until elections in 1991. The new prome minister,Carl Bildt of the Moderate Party, formed a coalition government. Bildts administration concentrated on economic challenges and negotiatedSwedens entry into the EU.
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